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軟陶 Polymer clay
黏土 Clays




        Choosing right working medium is an important issue for beginners on modeling doll. Polymer clay and paper clay are the most popular ones now. For years ago, doll artist was not satisfied with fibers on the surface of paper clay. But, there are many substitutions for paper clay now. And, also there are improvements on paper clay. There is no big difference between paper clay doll and polymer clay doll. Some paper clay doll looks like lovely china one now a days.

        Actually, sculpture is nothing about medium used. Beginners may use paper clay for doll modeling. But, after you familiar with color change by mixture of color clays, you may use any kind of clay you wish. If you have heat gun or oven, you may try polymer clay. Polymer clay is more expensive, but you may try one piece for a very long time without any significant change in material.

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